Tafseer Surah Maryam Ayahs 16 - 26
Allah (SWT) speaks about the miraculous birth of Isa (AS).
Attend this beautiful program to learn more!
Please click the link below to learn more.

Tafseer Surah Hujurat Ayahs 11 - End of the Surah
Backbiting, jealousy, and spying into the matters of others are some of the worst common diseases within ourselves.
Please click the link below to learn more.

Beautiful Gems From the Holy Quran by - Shaykh Yunus Palanpuri D.B -
We are honored by the presence of an esteemed guest; Shaykh Yunus Palanpuri…
Please click the link below to learn more.

Tafseer Surah Hujurat Ayahs 7 - 10
Many issues arise within our communities due to misconceptions and misunderstandings…
Please click the link below to learn more.

Tafseer Surah Hujurat Ayahs 5 - 7
A bedouin came in the presence of the Prophet and unknowingly did not show any respect…
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Tafseer Surah Hujurat Ayahs 1 - 5
We will commence Surah Hujurat in this session Inshallah!
Please click the link below to learn more.

Tafseer Surah Kahf Ayahs 83 - 110
Surah Kahf will be completed in this session Inshallah!

Tafseer Surah Kahf Ayahs 60 - 82
Our monthly Tafseer Program will be held on Saturdays for the next couple of months.

Tafseer Surah Kahf
Our monthly Tafseer Program will be held on Saturdays for the next couple of months.

Tafseer Surah Kahf
Starting this month, Our monthly Tafseer Program will be held on Saturdays for the next couple of months.

Tafseer Surah Kahf
Attend this beautiful program for a better understanding on some of the trials of Dajjal and how to protect ourselves and our children against them.

Fiqh of Fasting
Our upcoming monthly Tafseer program of Surah Kahf will be replaced with the "Fiqh of Fasting" program for the brothers and sisters.