Weekend Academy for Adults


The Unending Journey of Islamic Knowledge

The pursuit of knowledge in Islam is an unceasing journey, a fundamental and lifelong responsibility that every Muslim bears in order to fulfill their obligation towards Allah. Indeed, the facets of religious practices (Deen) that are deemed obligatory are also obligatory to study, enabling individuals to carry them out effectively.

At Al Firdaus Foundation, we recognize the perpetual nature of this pursuit and offer a diverse array of subjects tailored to the needs of working professionals. This acknowledgment stems from our understanding of the multifaceted lives individuals lead, with commitments and responsibilities that require a balance between worldly affairs and spiritual growth.

Our courses are thoughtfully designed to cater to the specific demands and time constraints of the working class, ensuring that they can embark on the journey of knowledge without disrupting their professional obligations. By offering a range of subjects from Fiqh, Aqidah, Sirah etc. that are relevant and essential to the contemporary Muslim, we aim to facilitate a seamless integration of Islamic learning into the lives of our students. 

Spring Term
Jan 13 - May 11, 2024
Saturdays | 10am - 1pm

  • Instructor: Mufti AbdulMannan Nizami

    Time: 10:00am - 10:55am

    This course serves as part 2 of the Sīrah Nabawiyyah. This is a continuation SIR-101 and SIR-103 will complete the entire Sīrah workshop until the Final Journey. This course will cover the first 6 years after Hijrah/Migration towards Madinah and elaborate upon the unique methods that were adopted to spread Islam and the many new rulings and commandments that were gradually introduced during this time.

    Navigate through the life of the most perfect man to be ever created. See the world through his lens as if you are living in his era. Instill deep love and affection for the celebrity of this Ummah also referred to as the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, which would lead you to practicing his Sunnah. In this course, you will learn his biography including various practices, social dealings and conducts.

    The instructor will address the applicability and practicability in one’s life, providing a stepwise approach to bettering one’s life and afterlife. Prezi slides will be presented to the class capturing and maintaining interest until the end of the class session. This will be an innovative and unique way to learn the Sirah and follow along in an easy to understand manner.

    Learning about the sacrifices of the Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam and his companions enables us to appreciate them more, which embeds the love of them within our hearts, and ultimately encourages us towards practicing His Dīn out of love.

  • Instructor: Mufti Abdul Hannan Nizami

    Time: 11:00am - 11:55am

    This course serves as a very advanced method in introducing the classical/Fushah Arabic Language. This will not be similar to any ARB-101 classes you may have taken in colleges or universities; rather, this will be a fast-paced class that will have you joining and forming sentences right from the first class period. You will have a good understanding of what the Arabic language is about and the meaning to many words from the Qur'an by the end of the Semester.

    This class will include but is not restricted to learning the following within the Arabic Language: Subject & Predicate, Past, Present, and Future Tense Verbs, Object, Prepositions, Pronouns, Adjectives, Imperative & Prohibitive, Singular, Dual, and Plural, etc.

    Learn how to finally take your first step into your dream of learning and understanding the language of the Holy Qur'an. We have always wished to learn what the Qur'an is saying but have always pushed it aside thinking it would be very complex to learn and understand it. This course will change your mindset and have you continuing your journey in understanding this Din and progressing through the different levels of Fushah Arabic and the Qur'an.

    The instructor will clearly and vividly introduce each topic towards the beginning of class until it is understood and further enhance your understanding with actual exercises and classwork to complement the lesson learnt. Many words of Arabic will be learnt and memorized and you will understand how to put them together to form sentences. You will also learn how unique each word of the Arabic language is as each root word has 14 different methods of utilizing it, producing different meanings.

  • Instructor: Mufti Abdul Hannan Nizami

    Time: 12:00pm - 12:55pm

    Salah is an integral part of our deen and is at the core of our experience as Muslims. Salah is a direct channel and access line to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. It is through Salah that we as believers can fulfill our needs, solve our problems, build a

    relationship with our creator, and enjoy the sweetness of direct communion with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

    The most efficient way of drastically improving our Salah and to transform it from a mundane ritual to a true experience and dialogue with our Creator is to develop a deep comprehension of what we are reciting.

    This class will cover in detail, word by word, Surat al-Fatihah and the last ten Surahs of the Qur'an along with its basic recital to ensure our recitation of the most basic Surahs is correct. The meanings of Arabic words change drastically due to meager and slight errors in our recitation. This course also aims to delve beyond the translation of the words into the intricacies of the language and the deeper meanings that the scholars of tafseer have extrapolated.

    The instructor will share powerpoint presentations and conduct group recitals to ensure the material is being understood in a very informative manner. It is desired that students will not only grasp the linguistic meanings but also begin to appreciate the literary beauty of the words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.